Tuesday, March 18, 2008

New JFK Assassination Books in March

March has brought a new crop of books, including Jefferson Morley's biography of CIA Station Chief Win Scott, entitled Our Man in Mexico. David Kaiser, historian and author of book on the Vietnam War called American Tragedy, has a new book entitled The Road to Dallas, which focuses on the evidence of an assassination plot involving organized crime and Cuban exiles. Another new book, entitled The Echo from Dealey Plaza, is written by Abraham Bolden, the first black presidential Secret Service agent. Bolden was arrested in May 1964 on counterfeit charges, but protested that he was being framed to keep him from telling the Warren Commission about lax Secret Service behavior. Bolden also told the HSCA about a 4-man team planning to kill JFK in Chicago. See an article by Lamar Waldron and Thom Hartmann for more on Bolden's story.