Tuesday, April 26, 2005

The New Blogging Machine

Thought I'd take a second to show off my new expensive blogging machine. I know its a lot of money to spend on something that can only access and post on blogs, but really what else would you do with one of these things?

And a general MarxistGopher Report update...I've archived all the basketball profiles for easy access. They're after the 'previous posts' and before the general daily 'archives.' My apologies to those of you looking for new basketball profiles. I've been really lax with those lately(running out of ideas) but promise to finish them up soon. (I want to get on to those cat profiles). Let me know if you have any other suggestions for the blog(style or content).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice blogging machine.

Running features are a good idea. How about these?

"Limousine Liberal of the Week" (a tongue in cheek attempt to take back the democratic party from latte sipping bobos by exposing the fact that they really ought to be republicans.)

"Another Right You Thought You Had, But Turns Out You Don't" (this is the legal corner of MarxistGopher highlighting a legal attack on our rights)

"What are Gays Doing to Society Now?" (a feature quote from a right wing evangelist who blames a sudden downturn in hog futures or some other ridiculous thing on the private sex lives of consenting adults).