Wednesday, January 23, 2008

First steel for TCF Bank Stadium to be installed Monday

A press release from the U of M on the TCF Bank Stadium. We get 'er goin' next week!!

TCF Bank Stadium is about to get a big delivery.

Over the next six months, the future home of the Golden Gophers will receive 8,800 tons of steel in daily shipments for the stadium's frame. The shipments will be put to use starting next week, when the first steel installation occurs at 7:30 a.m. on Monday, Jan. 28 at the stadium site, 23rd Ave. S.E. between 6th Street and University Avenue.

Media are welcome at the event but, due to the hazardous nature of the work being performed, must wear site-appropriate clothing such as long pants and boots. Check in will be at the 23rd Ave. S.E. gate between 7 and 7:15 a.m. Access to the site will end at 8 a.m.

In total, the stadium will receive the steel in 10-15 daily shipments between now and late July. It will be used to shape the upper bowl, suites and press box structures in addition to supporting the scoreboard. Three cranes will hoist the steel beams, which will then be connected to anchor bolts in the pile caps, connected to pipe piles that run down to bedrock.

Minnesota-based LeJeune Company, along with American Structural Metals, is the steel fabricator and Amerect, also based in Minnesota, will erect the steel. More than 85 percent of the construction projects for the stadium have been awarded to Minnesota-based firms.

With 598 days to go before the first kickoff, the future home of Gopher football is on schedule and on budget. Fundraising is currently underway for the $288.5 million structure and so far nearly $75 million has been raised towards the goal of $86 million in donations and sponsorships. When it opens in September of 2009, TCF Bank Stadium will be the first on-campus football stadium for the University of Minnesota in more than two decades.

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