Thursday, March 06, 2008

Hilarious Tirade Against the Media (oldie but goodie)

1 comment:

Phelan said...

Hey, I saw your article, and I love what you have to say. Your problem is that you're blogging solo. This makes it really hard to get people to read what you have to say because you can get buried underneath the thousands of other blogs on blogger.

That's why I think you should join ArmchairGM. It's a community Blog and Sports Encyclopedia. Here's what ArmchairGM offers you:

1. hundreds of fellow writers, dozens of which are online a lot of the day, along with thousands of viewers. This will mean your articles are virtually guaranteed to be read, commented, and debated.

2. Exposure. ArmchairGM has been linked to by both and Deadspin tons of times, including several already this year!

3. You don't have to write anything more. Provided you post the entire article, you can copy your entries from your blog and post them with a Link on ArmchairGM.

To sign up, follow this link: Prophet

Then, click the "write" tab, and begin to share your opinion with a larger community.

Questions? Feel free to email me.