Friday, April 08, 2005

Bush Approval Rating Drops to 44%

Bush's job approval rating has dropped to 44 percent, with his disapproval rating up to 54 percent. The Republican Congress had an even lower approval rating, 37 percent. It's becoming clear that Bush's attempt to privatize Social Security has failed miserably, and people have turned against him. Bush and Congress have also been hurt by skyrocketing gas prices and the continued quagmire that is Iraq. Not to mention the fiasco of political opportunism with the Terri Schiavo case. His approval rating probably won't stay this low for very long, and if there were an election this year he'd probably still be re-elected, but overall this is a positive sign. Social Security is turning out to be a big mistake for the Republicans. I love it so!

Poll: Bush Standing with Public Weakening
Bush Indifferent Over Falling Poll Numbers (AP)

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