Friday, April 08, 2005

As the virus spreads in Angola the WHO has placed 4 neighboring countries, Democratic Republic of Congo, Nambia, Zambia and Congo, on alert.

Well, its not really ebola. The "ebola-like" virus Marburg is spreading in Angola. It is now in 6 provinces and has killed 173 people.

I've been waiting for a deadly infectious desease to surface and kill 1/3 of the worlds population. Humanity is due for a killer outbreak. I doubt it will be ebola though. Its more likely to be an evolved flu virus or something like it. But I'm always interested when something like this happens. Makes you want to watch "Outbreak" doesn't it? Dustin Hoffman...Good movie.

Deadly Ebola-like virus spreads (CNN, 4/8)

Angola virus death toll climbs (CNN, 4/3)

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