Thursday, May 05, 2005

Cat Profile #1


aka: Spit, Spitzy, Spitz, Kitty, Cat, Kitty Cat, Spitz E. Fire..Super Geneous, Garfield, Mr. Spit, Spitzers, Kitten, Little Ball 'O Fluff, Orange, The Damn Cat, and many many more...
Birthday: July 22, 1990
Age: If you couldn't do the math from the birthday...14 (but 15 is coming up quick)
Weight: 15 lbs...uff-da
Breed: Red Tabby
Origin Story: My dad's friend's neighbor had a litter of kittens and wanted to get rid of some. We went over(I was 9 years old) and were planning on taking the grey cat, but when we got there I fell in love with the little orange one that was playing with my hand and biting we took him home. He slept in the back window of the car on the way home, then whined all night but eventually fell asleep on the back of a chair near a light. In a few days he was fine and annoying the he still does today.
Favorite Toy: That red catnip toy that Jay and Denise gave him when they were cat-sitting...he loves that thing and still plays with it everyday. Where did you guys get that thing..?
Favorite Sleeping Spot: My bed...I can never move my legs or turn over during the night without annoying the cat.
Favoite Activity: Eating, no eating
Favorite Human: Andy...duh. I'm everyone's.
Favoite Snack: Matt's plants...yum, vomit enducing
Most Annoying Attribute: Excessive and recurrent vomiting that not only leaves me with clean-up duties and puts stains in the carpet, but also requires many very costly vet visits that produce no diagnosis....just more vomiting.
Cutest Moment: Way to many to think of, let alone write about, but I'll describe the latest...Recently attempted to jump from the floor into an open window, but failed to get his back legs up and clug to the window cill with just his front paws, hanging there on the wall for at least 15 seconds before I came over and supported his hind legs so he could get into the window...awe, it was so cute and pathetic. The old man can't jump as high as he used to...

Cuteness: A
Cuddliness: B
Sleeping: A+
Eating: A
Whining: A+ (he uses his whining effectively as feeding time approaches)
Companionship: A+

Overall Grade: A


Anonymous said...

That "red catnip toy" is actually a tomato (or maybe an apple), and it's from Pet Central Station across from the Wedge on Lyndale. The toys come in bananas, lemons, rainbows, and tomato-apples, and are the best catnip toys anywhere!! Glad Spitfire likes it - he's quite a guy!

Anonymous said...

My two spitz E fire memories:

1 When he was a kitten he used to run up the basement stairs at top speed and grab my ankle with his sharp claws and then when I yelled in pain he would run with equal abandon back down the stairs. It wasn't funny at the time but it was funny when he did it to my grandma. :)

2 When he was still fairly young I remember he used to go outside from time to time. Once, I remember him meowing outside and I went to the door to discover he had a bird in his mouth . Amazingly, the bird was still alive and when I finally got him to drop the bird it flew away. :) Usually he killed the birds he caught so this was memorable.

Jay said...

What about Great Spitz O Fire?

Spitz is a good guy -- yet you fail to mention his illustrious career as namesake and mascot of the Halifax Spitfires!