Friday, May 06, 2005

2nd Edition

It's time for another edition of Friday Feelings. This time I won't poisen the thread with my own feelings. So feel free to get this thing going this week with your own thoughts and feelings about anything you like.


Anonymous said...

Jay should discuss his feelings regarding the British elections. He watched it intently on C-SPAN, then found coverage on the internet to listne to after the televised coverage ended...

Anonymous said...

I want to talk about the British election!
I cannot get enough information about the election. I have poured over the results and various articles today and I have reached the conclusion that the results are pretty damn encouraging. I am thrilled that labour remains in power and that the Lib Dems gained in votes and seats. I really needed some good politcal news and I finally got it. I am only sorry that the news had to come from another country.
I wish Jay would post because then he could verify that my prediction was spot on.
And as a personal side note; the name Carhart is Cornish in origin (some argue English but more evidence points to Cornish) and I am proud to report that both north and south Cornwall remain represented by Lib Dems. Also, one of my favorite areas in England is Dover (great fish'n chips) and it remains in Labour hands. Ah, you gotta love Britain!

Jay said...

I plan on blogging this weekend -- hopefully my absence from the mg will come to an end and I will provide the profile that I promised Andy about 2 weeks ago.

Matt was spot on in his election prediction. I think the election was very good news for the left in Britain. The Tories didn't increase their vote total from the last 2 elections and the Lib Dems gains certainly will put pressure on Labour to behave like Labour should. I don't think the Lib Dems got enough votes that they can truly expect to break through next time but who knows ...

Anonymous said...

I love eveybody and think everyone is great in there own way... Please join me in saluting our heros and friends, all over the world.... Thank you heros for keeping me safe and free from worries under you protection and great leadership. With this calmness I feel, I can contribute my part to positively perfect smile. Here you are world, see me shine.