Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Film Review: Phone Booth

Phone Booth
1 hr 20 min
Directed by Joel Shumacher
Starring Colin Farrell, Kiefer Sutherland, Forest Whitaker, Katie Holmes, Radha Mitchell

Plot: Stuart Shepard finds himself trapped in a phone booth, pinned down by an extortionist's sniper rifle.

Booooooo! That's all I can say about this one. Maybe 'ughh' too. I'm not exactly sure what the message of this film was supposed to be. Was the psycho guy on the phone supposed to be God forcing the sinner to confess his sins? I really don't know? It's basically a morality tale wrapped in the shell of a psychological thriller....and it just didn't work for me. I'm not giving this a 1 or 2 simply because it managed to hold my interest for the whole hour fifteen minutes it lasted. If I was basing it entirely on the message though...

MarxistGopher's Rating: ***(3 of 10 stars)

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