Monday, May 16, 2005

The Top 10 TV Shows of All Time!

Continuing the pop culture turn that The MarxistGopher Report has taken lately here's my 10 favorite television shows of ALL TIME...

#10 - Family Guy (1999 - Present)
63 Episodes, 4 Seasons
Yes, this is just a crude knock-off of The Simpsons. But if you're going to rip-off a television show The Simpsons is the right one. I don't know if this deserves the 10 slot but I couldn't really think of a show that does, so I went with a show that I really like and watch regularly.

#9 - The Honeymooners
(1952 - 1970)
162 Episodes, 9 Seasons
"One of these days Alice, one of these days." Ah, The Honeymooners....threats of spousal abuse has never been so hilarious! I'm sorry, but this show leaves other shows from the early years of television in the dust. I Love Lucy sucked! Plus this is one of the only shows I've ever seen that deal with class. How often is the major problem in the episode money? The terrible sitcoms of today are filled with attractive people in their 20's that never have money issues, and their only problems are relationships! (see Friends..ugh) This show definitely deserves to be in the top ten....and if you don't think so you probably have never seen the show.

#8 - The Dick Van Dyke Show
(1961 - 1966)
158 Episodes, 5 Seasons
This is the classic television show of the 1960's. Thought the constant singing and dancing got very annoying the show was otherwise very entertaining. I spent many a night watching The Dick Van Dyke Show on Nick at Nite growing up. And lets not forget the uproar over Mary Tyler Moore's capri pants. Wow, those are smokin' hot for 60's TV.

#7 - Saturday Night Live (1975 - Present)
586 Episodes, 30 Seasons
How many people have grown up watching this show now. It's a definite television classic! Dozens of stars made their name on SNL. I grew up watching what was my favorite SNL era, Adam Sandler, Chris Farley, David Spade, Phil Hartman, etc. Ahhh, those were the days...
It's not as good anymore, but SNL has had some great years.

#6 - The Mary Tyler Moore Show
(1970 - 1977)
168 Episodes, 7 Seasons
Okay, this is a GREAT show! …and the first feminist sitcom. A show about the single successful Mary Richards, who lives in Minneapolis and works for a local TV station, and deals with her many personal problems. A milestone in television! Not to mention that it takes place in Minneapolis. I always loved it when they talked about the Vikings or someone was wearing a Vikings shirt. This show also had some of the great characters in TV history: Mr. Grant, Ted Baxter, Rhoda.... This should probably be above Quantum Leap, but I promised myself that I'd get QL in the top 5.

#5 - Quantum Leap
(1989 - 1993)
97 Episodes, 5 Seasons
If you want to hear my thoughts on Quantum Leap go back and read the post that I devoted entirely to QL. After writing that I convinced myself that QL deserved a top 5 spot on this list.

#4 - M*A*S*H
(1972 - 1983)
251 Episodes, 11 Seasons
You've got to love a sitcom that starts out as a comedy and ends up as an anti-war drama, and replaced half of its cast in the process without losing its popularity. In fact, I like the later episodes better than the early seasons. I think I've been able to catch most these episodes over the years, as I was not alive for most of the shows run, and was an infant for the last years. I probably should have marked it down for that 3 hr last episode though...ugh, that was disappointing.

#3 - All in the Family
(1971 - 1979)
210 Episodes, 9 Seasons
If there was ever a TV show that could be used to teach history, this is it. In fact, All in The Family probably would be enough to teach an entire course on the 70's. It started out cutting edge and exciting and ended up with boring worn out characters and some damn kid that suddenly appeared out of nowhere. But this show is at the #3 spot for the first 5 or 6 seasons, not the last. No other television show has dealt with current political issues like All in The Family did. How I long for there to be another show like this in my lifetime...but we all know that isn't going to happen.

#2 - Seinfeld
(1989 - 1998)
181 Episodes, 9 Seasons
The show about nothing made it all the way to #2. Definitely the best sitcom ever made. The way the writing was able to draw together seemingly unrelated story lines in a humorous way at the end of the show was genius. Four more selfish immature characters were never related to by more people in the history of television. I, like every other man on the planet, consider myself to be George Constanza. It's too bad it was only on for 9 seasons, as it was definitely still strong and very popular....oh well, I still have the memories...and the DVD's!

#1- The Simpsons
(1989 - Present)
356 Episodes, 16 Seasons...signed for 2 more seasons.
Now, many of you may not have heard of this show, but it’s an animated series on this station called FOX. It's really and good show. If anyone's ever really bored and looking for something to do, I would recommend checking out this might like it. (If you didnt know this was going to be #1 you don't know me very well)

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