Wednesday, May 11, 2005

General Blog Notes

Just a note in general about the blog.

I've added a counter in the bar on the right. It's between the 'Previous Posts' and the weekly archives. I'm getting a lot more traffic on The MarxistGopher Report than I thought. It's very exciting!

That leads me into the other note. If you haven't already figured it out I'm archiving my film reviews right below the basketball profiles archive. I'll try to keep the film reviews up-to-date with what I'm watching but that could be kinda tough since I have no life and am averaging a movie a day!

Whenever I do one of these general blog notes...thats the time and place for you to respond and let me know if you have complaints, ideas, etc. about The MarxistGopher Report. Don't worry about my feelings. I will promptly respond and tell you to shut up/kiss me ass if I disagree :-)


Jay said...

MG Report is my home page -- that accounts for at least 10 hits a day!

MarxistGopher said...

Are you trying to bring me down Wendelberger!? I changed the settings on my counter to only record independent you can click on it as many times a day as you like and it will only count once. Now we'll see how many visitors I have...