Wednesday, January 30, 2008

2008 Presidential Primary Vote by County

I put this together over the last few days. It shows the winners county by county in the states that have voted so far in the presidential primary.

On the Democratic side, Michigan and Florida were uncontested "beauty contests." Both states moved their primaries up against the wishes of the National Democratic Party and all candidates agreed not to campaign there. In Michigan, Hillary was the only one on the ballot and uncommitted was the only alternative. In Florida, Hillary was the only one to campaign there even though all three were on the ballot. I hope that helps to explain the Hillary "anomalies" in those states. Wether or not delegates from those states will be seated could lead to a huge credentials fight at the convention. There is an extended discussion of the Michigan and Florida situation on electoral-vote.

On the Republican side, the party settled the dispute with those states by cutting their delegate numbers in half, instead of eliminating them as the Democrats did. In Wyoming there was no total vote number, only the results of the county conventions delegates awarded (Romney-8, F. Thompson-3, D. Hunter-1). So I decided to just color the entire state for Romney since we don't know actual vote numbers.

I will be updating the maps and posting them as the primaries continue. The next update will be on February 6th, after super-duper Tuesday.


Anonymous said...

Will these be updated as primaries happen? I'd love to see the whole country done at the end of the primary season.

Anonymous said...

Oh, I just noticed that you said you will be doing that. Good work, MG!

MarxistGopher said...

yes, I will update as they happen. I'll be busy next Wednesday!

Anonymous said...

This is just what I've been looking for. Have you updated it recently?