Monday, April 18, 2005

FLASH: GradTRAC Soundly Defeated 58%-42%

The Vote was 1,779 against to 1,296 in favor. It wasn't even close...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

No surprise, but one more defeat to add to the growing list of leftish debacles and one more embittering event that pushes me that much closer to going postal. I suppose it's just as well, if the union had won the Republicans would pass a law outlawing unions and the Democrats would just roll over and let it happen. Just think in less than two years Minnesota will be a completely Republican controlled state and in 4 years we will have John McCain in the white house pimping for the fascist right. Another reason to be excited and optimistic about the future. Oh how I pine for LBJ and a Democrat that isn't afraid to play hard ball with the elephants and WIN. Note to the left, stop the high minded talking about policy and start attacking and fighting back. In the meantime, since my wages and benefits will continue to deteriorate I think I will revisit my plan to rob an armored car and then move to Bolivia.