Friday, May 27, 2005

More Hillary Stats

Among those who were very or somewhat likely to vote for Clinton for president, there were:

A big gender gap. Six of 10 women but 45% of men were likely to support her.

Significant differences by age. Two of three voters under 30 were likely to support her, compared with fewer than half of those 50 and older.

Strongest support from those with the lowest income. Sixty-three percent of those with annual household incomes of $20,000 or less were likely to support her, compared with 49% of those with incomes of $75,000 or higher.

And big swings by ideology. An overwhelming 80% of liberals were likely to support her, compared with 58% of moderates and 33% of conservatives.

Among those surveyed, 54% called Clinton a liberal, 30% a moderate and 9% a conservative.

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