Thursday, May 11, 2006

Today, part four of our series of the agonizing pain in which I live every day.

Ahhhhh! I hate the computer and internet machines! I just spent 30 minutes writing my post for today and then my browser crashed on me! ugh! But you know what.....
(that was supposed to be a talking smiley, but it didnt work. Now its just sad)
We just got back from out MPC softball thats held every Thursday. Today was the best day of softball ever though. We played with new rules: The ball has to land, or have its first bounce in the infield for it to be in play. Any grass is considered foul territory. Its more fun to have to strategically place the ball then just hitting it as hard as you can every time. Although I'm probably better at just crushing huge muscles you know. It was bitterly cold and windy when I first got out there, but after we were playing for 20 minutes I was sweating like a pig. Nothing like sweat to indicate you're having a good time! Am I right people?

...........okay, its now 2 hours later and I just got back in from playing frisbee! Yay! We sucked it up nicely and the wind was messing with us(toying with us if you will), but it was still a lot of fun.
Now, I always like to insert a cartoon image to represent the activity that I'm talking about, but what the hell is this. Does it look like those 2 are playing frisbee? I don't think so!

And if anyone is interested in stadiums, check out the 8 new stadiums that are being built or renevated in London right now! Wow! All I want is one little Gopher stadium of 50,000 seats. Is that too much to ask.

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