Tuesday, May 09, 2006

New Music

Picked up some new music yesterday. The new self titled Pearl Jam album, and the new Anti-Flag album "For Blood and Empire."
My first impressions after one listen is that Pearl Jam has really lost their edge over the last 6-8 years. All of their stuff sounds about the same. There's no bite to it. Its still okay, but its just what what they used to be in the 90's. They've fallen down to 'good background music.'

Anti-Flag, for those who don't know, is hardcore punk. There's not much you can do with that type of music to make it sound original, but I still really like Anti-Flag. Angry, very political punk rock never seems to go out of style. I recommend checking out Anti-Flag if you haven't.

I'll post again tomorrow. MarxistGopher is still alive. I'm heading over to Shawns tonight for some BBQ steak...yum! I'll give my food review of Shawns cooking tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

Did you find your $2-damned dollars? ass...

Anonymous said...

P.S. When can I write YOUR profile, hmmmmmm?