Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Dems Attempt to Block Confirmation of Bolton as UN Ambassador Appears to Have Failed

Hopes that Rhode Island Republican Lincoln Chafee would join the Democrats and vote against Bolton now appear to be gone, as he stated yesterday that he intends to vote to confirm him. Bolton, a favorite of the hard-line conservative right(aka fascists) had said that "it wouldn't make a bit of difference" if the U.N. headquarters building lost 10 stories. And then there's my personal favorite..."There's very credible information that Mr. Bolton tried to have analysts -- intelligence analysts, in at least two cases -- removed from their jobs because he was going to state a position which was in contradiction to the information that the intelligence community believed was correct," Sen. Christopher Dodd told ABC.

Protest Photos

Democrats Seek to Block Nominee as UN Envoy (Reuters)
Rhode Island Moderate is the Man in the Middle (NY Times)
UN Nominee, Democrats Lock Horns On His Record (LA Times)
Senate Panel Grills Bolton Over Record (Reuters)

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