Monday, April 17, 2006

MarxistGopher Update - Monday April 17th, 2006

Yawn, Easter is over...Praise the Lord. I really hate holidays. Everyone is hanging out with their families and all the stores are closed, so I can't even get any errands done. What a waste of a day. The only time holidays are good for anything is when the fall during the week and you get a day off work. But when they fall on a weekend it's an absolute nightmare. I was invited to have Easter dinner at Adam's yesterday though, which I took him up on. Who am I to turn down a free meal....I'm poor. What I also hate about holiday meals is that they always occur at what seems to be lunch time, between 1 and 2. That's a late lunch, it sure ain't dinner. By the time I got home at 4:00 I was already starting to get hungry! I decree that holiday dinners need to be later in the day.

I also had the pleasure of spending the afternoon with Adam's two nephews, 3 and newborn. Wow, children are strange creatures. I couldn't imagine why anyone would want one of those! There is no way I'm EVER having children. Little annoying money pits that will only turn from annoying kids into annoying adults. Give me cats any day!

That's pretty much all I did yesterday. I came home and tried to put some time into The MarxistGopher Report and then watched TV and organized my miniatures. Oh, the miniatures. That's an interesting story, but I'll save that for another post.

Today I'm just sitting around the house watching movies and doing some small crap around my apartment. Butler's scheduled to come around after work today, and we'll probably go toss the baseball around for a while. I'm gonna try to get him to play a game of Axis & Allies Miniatures with me after that, but that could be tough. Apparently I don't have enough geeky friends. Alright, I guess there's not much else to say right now. Just going to try to enjoy my last dy off before the hellish week of work begins anew tomorrow.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

oh the miniatures...